Video Age International January-February 2011
V I D E O A G E • N o . 1 • J a n u a r y 2 0 1 1
Cover stories:
Sección en Español:
Caracol telenovela unfolds daily on and off the TV screen. The owner is the Santo Domingo family, who needs fiction!
Preview del NATPE de Miami Beach
Shows difíciles de vender no tienen un común denominador
The changes in Spanish TV are mainly on the air (whatever is left of it)
El negocio de lo obsoleto
Miami Beach gives NATPE hope, warmth and business. The city delivers. The market fulfills its duty. The industry responds
Miracle NATPE. Comparing two TV trade shows held in Miami Beach: 1994 and 2011
World. Germany, U.S., Singapore , Argentina, U.K., Hungary
Latin America TV Distribution Directory. An updated buyers’ guide for NATPE
Colombian TV in facts and figures
Conference and event news: Travel tips for your trips with some important calendar dates
Book Review. A life in and out of television cameras: David Susskind
My2¢. Toilet paper in Europe played a big role in the future of TV trade shows held there
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